ROCKWALL (February 5, 2014) I don’t think I’m old, but my body is telling me otherwise.
I just turned 17, and I still enjoy going for my daily walks. Sure, I have to inch along at a snail’s pace because my rear legs don’t work so well. In fact, they don’t work at all on random days. But my nose is in fine shape, so I enjoy going out to sample the wonderful smells every day.
When I’m outside, I always hear people ask my mom and dad, “What’s the secret to your dog’s long life?” If I could talk, I’d tell them, “Daily walks and lots of love.” And it’s not what you think, either. Sure, I owe everything to my parents for taking me in and loving me. But as Valentine’s Day approaches, it makes me appreciate how much I love my two sisters.
You see, when I was about 12 years old, I was slowing down. Since it was just me and my mom and dad, there wasn’t a lot to look forward to except the walks, two meals a day and treat time (still my favorite!). One day without warning, my folks walked in with two young dogs and announced, “Here are your sisters.”
I could relate to the fact that they needed to be rescued from the Rockwall shelter, because they used to put down dogs like them back in those days. My new sisters were twins who were about 10 months old. Everyone called them the “Leaping Ladies” because they jumped up and down so much. No wonder no one would adopt them from the shelter!

Mom and dad called them Lily and Petunia. I called them a nuisance. Frankly, I was mightily peeved. Here I was, the only dog in the house, and suddenly I have two young sisters to deal with. Sure I was slowing down, but I still coveted my personal space and my relationship with my parents.
Don’t tell anyone that I told you this, but I quickly realized that they were making me feel young again. I put on an act and acted like I was mad, but every time I saw them play together, I wanted to join in. We adopted them in August, but by Valentine’s Day, I realized I loved them. Whenever they were out in the back yard, I felt alone. I still loved my mom and dad with all my heart, but I could relate to my sisters on our own level.
So now that it’s the Season of Love again, I’m so happy this will be my fourth Valentine’s Day with my younger sisters. And for all of you who have older dogs, please don’t be afraid to bring in a younger companion. I’ll bet your dog acts old and crotchety like I did. But that’s just it: it’s an act. I love my sisters more than anything in the whole world. I hope they keep me feeling young enough to spend a few more Valentine’s Days together. That’s true love.
Written by Guinness, our Blue Ribbon News canine guest columnist. Photos by Guinness’ dad, Michael Kitkoski, with RockwallPets.com.
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