(Rockwall) First United Methodist Church Rockwall opened their Wesley Arts Lecture Series with Dr. Robert A. Hunt, Director of Global Theological Education at SMU Perkins University, Dallas.
Hunt is an expert on world religions, including Islam, and has served as religious consultant for Washington D.C. officials, including President George W. Bush. An author of numerous article and research books, Hunt’s publications serve as the leading authority on global religion and its impact on the modern world.
More than 100 people gathered Oct. 20 to hear Dr. Hunt speak about the Christian/Muslim relationships in our current world and the unique challenges and opportunities therein.
Dr. Hunt briefly outlined several self-representations, representations and misrepresentations that exist in both the Christian and Muslim worlds regarding the other. He offered examples of representations that have led to incomplete understandings of the average Christian and Muslim follower. With an extensive professional and personal experience in the Eastern world, Dr. Hunt presented a first-hand education of some of the basic ideas of the Muslim world.
After his lecture, Dr. Hunt answered questions from the audience. The audience was also encouraged to meet and visit with Dr. Hunt at the following reception, provided by the Wesley Arts Lecture Series.
The Wesley Arts Lecture Series is an educational service of First United Methodist Church Rockwall, created for the purpose of providing an alternate format of faith/biblical education that compliments the interests of the members of the church and the local community. The Wesley Arts will present a guest speaker every 3-4 months, with the next speaker slated to be Dr. Eileen Theilig, Director of Lay and Continuing Education at Brite University. Dr. Theilig holds degrees in both theology and geology with a research focus on planetary exploration. The topic of her lecture on Feb. 16, 2012 will be “Are Science and Theology compatible?”
First United Methodist Church Rockwall is located at 1200 E. Yellow Jacket Lane in Rockwall. Call FUMC at 972-771-5546.
For more information about the Wesley Arts Lecture Series and to reserve tickets, visit fumcrockwall.com.
Submitted by Jamie J. Rubush.
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