(Rowlett) Covington’s Nursery and Landscape Company in Rowlett is bringing in the New Year by offering several free gardening classes.
First up, learn the tricks of the trade to ensuring healthy plants in your landscape while saving time, money and water, through proper soil preparation.
The soil preparation class is at 11 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 21.
Maintaining an Organic Yard is the topic of the following Saturday’s free class. Attendees will get helpful information about organic gardening, including making the transition from conventional gardening practices, bed preparation, composting and products. This free “green” event begins at 11 a.m. Jan. 28.
At 11 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 4, learn to select, plant and maintain the best fruit trees for North Texas.
Vegetable gardening is the subject of the 11 a.m. Saturday, Feb. 11 class. Learn how you can have a successful vegetable garden, including tips on preparing your garden, and selecting, planting, and harvesting your vegetables.
The Joys of Herb Gardening will be presented at 11 a.m. Satuday, Feb. 18. Discove why herb gardening is so rewarding for North Texas gardeners. Find out how to create and maintain your own herb garden in containers or in raised beds.
On Saturday, Feb. 25, the entire day will be devoted to roses. Take advantage of free classes all day long, on the care and feeding of roses and using roses in your landscape.
Learn what the top performing roses are for this area. Shop Covington’s great selection of roses and related products for the most beautiful, carefree rose garden.
Covington’s is located at 5518 Liberty Grove Road/George Bush Freeway in Rowlett.
Call them at 972-475-5888 or visit them online at covingtonnursery.com.
Information provided by Mary Coon, Covington’s Nursery.
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