(Rockwall County) Sheri Fowler, program chair for the Rockwall County Historical Foundation, presented a local artifact known as a “serpent head” to guests attending the RCHF’S recent Brown Bag Lecture Series.
The encore presentation of “Rock Wall Revisted – Myth or Mystery,” held at Rockwall’s Historic Downtown Courthouse on Dec. 9, offered updated information about the unusual rock wall formation for which the city is named.
The “serpent head” artifact discovered at the rock wall is a popular attraction at the Rockwall County Historical Museum where it normally resides.
To learn more, visit the RCHF Museum, 901 E. Washington St. in Harry Myers Park. Museum hours are 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Wednesday and Saturday. Admission is free.

In addition to presenting the free, family-friendly Brown Bag Lecture Series, RCHF members stay busy with several activities year round.
RCHF board members recently enjoyed decorating a table for the annual Friends of the Library Christmas Luncheon.
RCHF’s theme was Vintage Base Ball, using a native cedar tree decorated with a 1920’s catcher’s mask, small replica bats, paper chain, historic Rockwall pictures, crackerjacks and peanut packages.
A Vintage Base Ball event is planned for the spring of 2012. Stay tuned to blueribbonnews.com for more details as they become available.
Submitted by Carolyn Francisco, RCHF.
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