April 4 Facebook update by Traci McDonald:
Print the voucher below for the Kensley Jones Benefit from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Wednesday, April 11 at Carino’s in Rockwall. Ten percent of your bill will go to help this toddler and her family with medical expenses.
March 28 Facebook update by Sarah Hubbins
It has been a while, but things have definitely calmed down a bit. Kensley is still on the ventilator and dialysis, but the doctors have successfully started to ween her off. It is going to take a while due to the condition of her lungs but they seem please with her progress so far. Her body seems to be handling things well considering. The dialysis machine has been able to get pretty much all the extra fluid off her body, so that is also encouraging. Although she has made progress the only thing that can really heal her body properly is the return of her white blood cells which (cross your fingers) should be starting to reproduce within the next week or two.
Now time for the great news. About a week ago since she was already sedated the doctors were able to do a bone marrow biopsy and it came back empty! which is awesome. However that doesn’t mean remission yet. We still have to wait until her bone marrow starts to reproduce to be sure that the leukemia doesn’t start reproducing as well. Empty bone marrow is what we wanted to see though! It is definitely making remission look like more of a possibility and Bailey and i were thrilled!
For now, however, her leukemia is going to have to take a back seat until we can get her lungs better. We appreciate everyone who has been praying and helping us out during the past two weeks, it is really wonderful to know we have such a great support system!
March 5 Facebook up date by Sarah Hubbins, via Angel Henneke
Kensley, Bailey and I would like to thank everyone who came to Kensley’s benefit auction yesterday! It was more than we could have hoped for! A special thanks to Traci McDonald for arranging the whole thing! I know she must have gotten some good sleep last night! Also thanks to Mike Gaston and Kerrie Taylor! You are all awesome and Bailey and I appreciate how much time and effort you have put into supporting our sweet baby girl!
Alright so, time for an update. Kensley has one more day of this round of chemo and after that its pretty much a waiting game. She has been handling it pretty well, although she is obviously feeling under the weather (but who can blame her). Once her counts start to recover in about 6 weeks we will take another look into her bone marrow and hopefully we won’t see any leukemia cells left! Bailey and I have been praying hard that this round of chemotherapy works so Kensley doesn’t have to endure another round before her bone marrow transplant. So everyone cross your fingers and pray that this works!
March 4 Facebook update by Traci McDonald:
After a final recount, the auction raised more than $17,400 today!
Stay tuned for a follow-up as details become available.
Feb. 26 Facebook update by Sarah Hubbins:
Earlier this week our poor little bug got another spinal tap which also included having three different types of chemotherapies injected into her spinal fluid. Her body handled the anesthesia much better than it did during her last spinal tap so Bailey and I were extremely thankful for that!
A day or two after the spinal tap Kensley came down with a fever and the doctors found an infection in her blood. Luckily, the doctors reacted fast and were able to have the fever under control by the next day and all of her subsequent cultures came back negative for infection!
Thank goodness for antibiotics and Tylenol! As if all this wasn’t enough, Kensley pulled out one of many tubes that she has had only this time when they attempted to put it back in, her platelets were so low that she had a nose bleed which lasted for a good 30 minutes.
However, once the nurses were able to calm her down and get some platelets into her Hickman line, the nose bleed subsided and we were able to get a new tube down into her stomach. On an encouraging note, she has been in really good spirits! It has been really amazing to see her playing, laughing, and being a little ham for all the nurses!
Feb . 20 Facebook update by Sarah Hubbins:
So glad that my first entry gets to be one baring good news! Yesterday we found out that Kensley has no blast cells in her blood! Which means that her blood is cancer free. Unfortunately we won’t know what’s going on in her bone marrow until a couple weeks but we are praying that it is also free of blasts as well!
So, if all goes according to plan after her counts start to recover she will receive a bone marrow transplant, which should guarantee that her leukemia cells won’t come back. We’ve have been so ecstatic about this good news, and will be praying hard for the next 2 weeks that all goes according to plan!
Feb. 9 Facebook update from Traci McDonald:
“Kensley and Bailey made it back safely last night. Thank you Lord!
She was in very good spirits considering their very long day. We had a great reunion!
Bailey had a lot to say about the trip as I am sure it was quite the experience. Sarah and her parents made it back this evening and we are so glad everyone is together again.
Today Kensley had a bone marrow biopsy and a spinal tap. Tests confirmed that she does have the Acute Biphenotypic Leukemia that we thought she had, but the larger group of leukemia cells are that of ALL instead of AML. So, tonight she begins treatment for the ALL. She will be receiving chemo for the next month and we hope that Kensley will then be in remission. She will have another bone marrow biopsy at that time. The doctors and staff at Children’s have been great and we are happy to be there. We are so grateful for all of the support our family has received. Thank you!”
A benefit auction for Kensley Jones of Rockwall is set for 1 to 4 p.m. Sunday, March 4 at Occasions at Stone River in Royse City.
Kensley was traveling to England with her mom and dad after Christmas, ready to meet her great grandparents. Kensley became very ill during the flight.
Once on the ground in England, Kensley was taken to a doctor and diagnosed with AML, acute myelogenous leukemia.
Too sick to travel home, Kensley was hospitalized in England receiving chemo treatments.
Friends of the family have organized the benefit auction to aid the family and help Kensley in her fight against AML. Kensley turned one on Feb. 15.
Kensley is the daughter of Bailey Jones and Sarah Hubbins of Rockwall. Her grandparents are Kenna and Heath Jones, and Steve and Jackie Hubbins, also of Rockwall.
Donations and auction items are appreciated.
For more information, visit Kensley Jones’ Benefit Auction Facebook page or contact Traci McDonald at 214-498-1365 or tmcdonald1999@yahoo.com.
Information provided byTraci McDonald; written by Blue Ribbon News.com.
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