One of the greatest things about serving as editor of Blue Ribbon News is that my inbox is always filled with good news. Hardly a day goes by that I don’t have the privilege of opening at least one email about a hometown hero or a community rallying behind a neighbor in need. It’s easy to deliver good news with so many generous and gracious people doing exceptional things. The hardest part is keeping up with them all!
Today’s smile was delivered to my inbox via Matthew Broderick, president of DiagnosTemps, the largest provider of interim radiology professionals in the Dallas-Fort Worth area.

DiagnosTemps has been providing specialized staffing assistance to hospitals, physician’s offices, surgery centers for more than 19 years. The company was recently named a True Blue DFW Business, based on its proven commitment to patients, clients, employees and the community. Broderick was invited to participate in the True Blue Business Recognition Series, which recognizes local companies that are “doing business right.”
News anchor Scott Sams interviewed Broderick for a segment that will air at KRLD NewsRadio 1080, and DiagnosTemps was featured in the True Blue Business special supplement to the Wall Street Journal. (You can read that article here at Blue Ribbon News).
All that to say, Matthew sent me a message this afternoon that warmed the hearts of the Blue Ribbon News team and the producers of True Blue Business series.
Matthew let us know that his sister, Kathleen McClure with Imagination Branding, surprised him with a fabulous “true blue” gift basket filled with blue food, after she learned about DiagnosTemps’ True Blue recognition.

Now this may not be a triumphant tale of hometown heroism or a news event that demands us to stop the presses, but it was such a sweet and creative gesture that we wanted to share Kathleen’s gift to her brother with our readers.
We think it’s a great way to recognize True Blue honorees – and we love the blue ribbons, too. Now we know who to turn to in Dallas as a source for branding ideas and promotional campaigns!
Way to go, Matthew and DiagnosTemps!
Way to go, Kathleen and Imagination Branding!
Call DiagnosTemps at 972-934-3674 or visit
Call Kathleen McClure at Imagination Branding at 903-821-3292 or visit
See what it takes to be True Blue.
To inquire about the True Blue Business Recognition Series, call 214-342-8000, ext. 1121, or email