(Rockwall) May 25, 2013 – Hundreds of couples stream into the Lake Pointe Church gym on Tuesday nights. It resembles a parent-teacher meeting as people take their seats, ready to focus as if their children’s future depends on it. And that might be the case, since these meetings concern marriage. They’re attending ReEngage—a ministry to reignite marriages.
Couples might rate their marriage as a 3, 4, or 5 on a scale of 10, yet do nothing about it. That’s more comfortable than probing into problem spots. But ReEngage offers a safe place to address the issues of marriage, with an environment of support while couples reconnect with one another. Meetings feature stories of grace with Biblical teaching, followed by small groups sessions led by qualified facilitators.
I visited ReEngage on a recent Tuesday night. The crowd joined in a few songs of worship while couples and some solo spouses continued to filter in. Afterward, ReEngage Director, Ryan Lewis, introduced a thirty-something couple, “Dan and Diana.” They sat down on two seats placed on the small platform with microphones.
This couple experienced healing in their marriage through the dynamics of ReEngage and they wanted to share their story. Only their calm demeanors assured listeners of a good outcome to the troubles they took turns relating.
Dan and Diana both grew up in families of divorce, with slim-to-none faith foundations that offered no spiritual support. They both jumped in and out of one marriage before finding each other. They were happily married for a while. But by the time they had two children their marriage only looked good on the outside.
A change came after their daughters began asking spiritual questions for which they had no answers. They decided to attend church, which led to seeking God on a more personal level. They joined a Life Group, for further discipleship. Within a short time, they prayed to receive Christ.
Dan and Diana’s marriage began looking better. They were fixing up the “old house.” Then, last fall, they responded to an invitation to attend ReEngage, and discovered their marriage needed more than a fix-up.
Confession of sins brought pain and uncertainty. The hidden fractures in their marriage had been exposed. Like a home renovation, things looked bad for the couple for awhile. But they had the support of their ReEngage group. The wisdom and counsel they received brought them together in forgiveness. Their marriage already feels different, because it is different.
Not every marriage needs a resurrection. But every married couple can benefit from the environment for reconnecting that ReEngage provides.
Lake Pointe Church desires to open the opportunity of ReEngage to the community. Meetings are most Tuesdays, 6:30-8:30 pm. Visit lakepointe.org/reengage for more information.

Written and submitted by Blue Ribbon News special contributor Patti Richter. Patti works as journalist, writing news and feature stories, book reviews and more for many Christian publications. She lives in Heath with her husband Jim.
Read faith columns by Patti Richter:
God’s not-so-random acts of kindness
In unity on National Day of Prayer
Of Snakes & Pumpkins: even a perfect fall day is made better with prayer
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