Meet Penny, Blue Ribbon News Pet of the Week

Meet Penny, Blue Ribbon News Pet of the Week
Photos by Michael Kitkoski

Most dogs aren’t as gentle and mild-mannered as Penny. But you have to earn her trust first…for good reason.

She was brought to Rockwall Pets in terrible condition. She had a fractured pelvis and both her rear legs were broken in two places. After all she’s been through, she’s more than a little timid. But after recovering from her surgery, she’s incredibly gentle and patient.

In order to build her confidence, she’s currently going through obedience boot camp at Ponderosa Pet Resort. One look at that adorable face will tell you she’s a fantastic little dog. Once you earn her trust, Penny will be a faithful and loving companion.

Find out more about Penny at or by e-mailing .

Thanks to Michael Kitkoski for sharing these photos and the news about Goldie.

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