Introducing 2012-13 Rockwall-Heath Starstepper JV Drill Team officers

From left, Lieutenant Audrey Lawrence, Lieutenant Shawnee Gillham, Captain Isabella Burzair, Lieutenant Kayley Hernandez and Lieutenant McKenzie Bryant aboard Seawolf on Lake Ray Hubbard. Photo submitted by Marcia Carroll Burzair.

(Rockwall/Heath) July 17, 2012 – After a rigorous audition and interview process, the new officers for the 2012-2013 Rockwall-Heath High School Starstepper JV Drill Team have been named.

They are (pictured from left) Lieutenant Audrey Lawrence, Lieutenant Shawnee Gillham, Captain Isabella Burzair, Lieutenant Kayley Hernandez and Lieutenant McKenzie Bryant.

The newly chosen officers enjoyed their first Officer Social aboard Scott Self’s “Seawolf” for a sunset cruise.

The award-winning JV drill team is directed by Anna Blair.

RHHS Highsteppers Varsity Drill Team Director Monica Lyon serves as the assistant director to the Starsteppers. The combination of both directors’ experience and expertise have lead both teams to great success.  The Starsteppers are looking forward to another spectacular year “dancing to the stars.”

Submitted by Marcia Carroll Burzair, Starsteppers Publicity Chair. 

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