July 9, 2012 – Join the Soroptimist International Club of Rockwall at Southern Junction Nightclub and Steakhouse from 7 to 11 p.m. October 6 for Lassos and Lace, a WomenAid fundraising event.
Donation items are needed for the live and silent auctions. They are also seeking sponsor tables, program donations and event underwriters.
Soroptimists seek to become an active influence for positive change in society through awareness, advocacy and action. The Rockwall club is committed to these principles through its service to local, national and international communities. Because of the success of the annual WomenAid fundraiser, they are able to provide education to improve employment opportunities to Rockwall area women; annual scholarships to local high school seniors; medical screenings and equipment to the Helping Hands Health Clinic; and financial support to numerous organizations both locally and internationally.
“Rockwall Soroptimists are one of the largest donors to Helping Hands Medical Clinic. We care for underserved senior citizens living in the Rockwall County Housing Authority program. We fund 100 percent of the Teen Dating Violence and Healthy Relationship education in all local schools called ‘We Expect Respect’ and we give thousands of dollars every year in scholarships, humanitarian funding and emergency relief funds – and it’s all locally raised and locally given,” said Erin Kincaid. “Please support this event as it is the largest event we do all year to fund all of our amazing programs.”
Thanks to Erin Kincaid for keeping us up to date on the Lassos and Lace event.
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