August 6, 2012 – You don’t have to ride a motorcycle or play cards to to join the fun at the Saturday, Aug. 11 “Cruise for a Cause” Poker Run benefiting one-year-old Kensley Jones of Rockwall.
The event includes live entertainment by Otis and the Tacky Flamingos

(60s, 70s & 80s music), food, games, raffle drawings and an auction.
The after-party is open to everyone and is expected to get underway around 2 p.m. at the River Club, located at 15523 W. Highway 80 in Forney.
Registration for the Kensley Jones Benefit Poker Run begins at 10 a.m. at the River Club. The cost is $20 per hand.
In addition to the River Club, card pick-up spots include the Swingin’ Door Saloon, Cottons Club, Scoreboard, and Flying Saucer Rockwall. All motorcycles, custom and classic cars are welcome. First bike out at 11 a.m.; last bike in at 3 p.m.
Kensley is the daughter of Bailey Jones and Sarah Hubbins of Rockwall. Her grandparents are Kenna and Heath Jones, and Steve and Jackie Hubbins, also of Rockwall. Kensley turned one on Feb. 15.
For more information, to make a donation, or to help sponsor the event, call Traci McDonald at 214-498-1365 or visit the Kensley Jones Benefit Poker Run event page on Facebook.
Written by Sarah Hubbins, 8:44am July 30
Finally, Kensley is starting to recover from this recent round of chemo. Her fevers have subsided and the infection in her blood is gone! She’s still having trouble keeping food down and she still has the infection in her groin area but both seem to be improving as the days go by! We are even thinking about venturing out of the room tomorrow! Bailey and I are so thankful that the side effect from this round of chemo are so minor compared to her last round! We thank God every day for making our little girl so courageous and strong! And, of course, for keeping that sweet smile on her face no matter how awful she may be feeling!
“Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6
Written July 20, by Sarah Hubbins
It has been a very hectic couple of days. Kensley developed a fever the day before yesterday (going as high as 105), but luckily it has been manageable with tylenol. She also has an infection either in her blood or one of the ports to her central line and a pretty painful skin infection on her privates. They are expecting this all to go away within a couple of days with all the many antibiotics they have put her on in the last 24 hours. The good news is that despite all these yucky things she is still in good spirits and has managed to stay out of ICU. All of her vitals have been doing great!
As for her leukemia. All of her numbers are still doing what we are wanting, but it is too soon to tell whats going on. Hopefully all of her infections and fevers will be resolved in a couple of days and we can go back to hanging out and playing while we wait for her counts to recover in about 3 weeks time!
Written July 17, 2012 by Traci Karr McDonald
Kensley Jones was born in February of 2011. In December Kensley went on her first visit to England to see her mother’s family and while there she got really sick. Mommy and Daddy took her to the doctor and they said she was very sick with Acute biphenotypic leukemia. Kensley spent the next 4 weeks in the hopsital in England and on Feb 8th was careflighted back to the states to Children’s Medical where she has stayed, it has been and up and down ride but she is a true fighter, she has overcome being on a vent and dyalisis to coming home to continue her treatments, she was alomst in remission just a few weeks ago only to have the leukemia spike back she is now just finished another round of Chemo hopefully this will do the trick, thoughts and prayers for this sweet baby and her family!
Written July 7, 2012 9:16pm by Sarah Hubbins
Well, here we are back at Children’s for a while. As it turns out we never had to get the bone marrow biopsy because, really, it was irrelevant. No matter the results, we, along with the doctors, decided that the new medicine that she has been taking combined with a more intense chemotherapy is going to be our best shot at getting her leukemia back under control. This round of intense chemo will only last for 6 days; today is the tail end of day two. Unfortunately, the nasty side effects have already begun and our poor little one hasn’t been feeling very well. But, as always she’s been a trooper!
Luckily with this chemotherapy the side effects only last as long as she’s taking it, so after her 6 days are up she should start to feel much better. Once this round is over, its back to the waiting game. We will have to wait 3-6 weeks for her counts to recover to see if we are ready for transplant again! The good news is, if we can get her counts back down (since we were all ready to go to transplant before) we can go into transplant as soon as two days! No waiting around and no time for her leukemia to come back!
So if all goes as planned we will spend a month in the hospital for this round of chemotherapy then another month or two for transplant! The doctors seem hopeful that this is whats going to get Kensley to transplant!
Bailey and I both feel so blessed that we are even having transplant conversations again. I know that the news we got last week wasn’t ideal, but we are miles away from where we were two months ago when it seemed we had no hopes of a cure. Every day that Kensley is with us is a reminder of how loving our God is, and how blessed we truly are to have a child that bring so much joy and laughter to our lives!
Thanks to Traci Karr Mcdonald for sharing this announcement.
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