Weekly Children’s Programs
Baby Story Time – Mondays: Walking Babies 10:30-11:15 am and Lapsit Babies 11:30 am-12:15 pm
Join us for an interactive story time between baby and caregiver which will include songs, nursery rhymes, big books, puppets, peek-a-boo parachute play and bubbles; followed by a short play time.
Toddler Story Time – Wednesdays: 10:30-11:15 am
Join us for books, songs, action rhymes, finger plays, puppets, a simple craft, bubbles and parachute play!
Preschool Story Time – Fridays: 10:30-11:15 am
Join us for books, songs, action rhymes, finger plays, flannel stories, puppets, music and marching, a craft, bubbles and parachute play!
Story Time at McDonald’s– 10:30 am
Join us at McDonald’s for books, songs, action rhymes, finger plays, and a craft!
Hwy 66 & Rowlett Rd – Presented on the 2nd Tuesday of every month!
Lakeview Pkwy, between Chiesa and Dalrock – Presented on the 4th Tuesday of every month!
Adult and Family Programs
Library Card Sign-Up Month– All of September
September is library card sign-up month. The library card is the smartest card in my wallet. Sign up for yours today!
Senior Computer Classes– September 11th, 12th, & 13th, 8:30 am – 10:30 am
The Library offers free computer classes for Rowlett seniors in conjunction with the Rowlett Senior Advisory Board. This class is limited to 18 participants. To register, call 972-412-6161. Please plan to attend all three days.
All About Australia– Wednesday, September 12th, 7 pm
All About Australia presented by Australia Specialist, Robbert van Bloemendall, CTC, president of Travel Leaders in Rowlett. Be entertained and informed about this beautiful country from someone who knows Australia best!
Anita Martinez Ballet Folklorico– Saturday, September 15th, 2 pm, Rowlett Community Centre
See beautiful costumes and an exciting dance performance celebrating Mexico’s Independence Day.
Tax Seminar– Thursday, September 20th, 6 pm
The Texas Comptroller’s Office will host a free Sales & Use Tax Seminar at the Rowlett Public Library. Learn about the variety of services available to buyers, sellers, and service providers. Bring your questions! No registration is required.
Talk Like a Pirate Day– Saturday, September 22nd, 2-4 pm come and go
Wear a pirate costume and play pirate games to when treasure!
Knitting Club– Tuesday, September 18th, 7 pm
Meets every 3rd Tuesday of the month in the Library Conference Room
To submit your news and events, email editor@BlueRibbonNews.com. Published August 10, 2012.