(Royse City) November 1, 2012 – Royse City Main Street presents Texas Christmas on Main Street, which includes a Christmas Holiday Lighted Parade, visits with Santa, puppet shows, tree lighting, and Holiday Market.
Festivities begin at 4:30 p.m. The tree lighting is at 5:30 in the Courtyard of City Hall. The lighted parade starts at 6:30.
The Holiday Market is an all-day event. It will begin at 11 a.m. on Arch Street across from City Hall. This event will include all sorts of vendors for holiday shopping, a train ride for the kiddos and the Blaine Mitchell Band performing from 1 to 3 p.m. in the Courtyard of City Hall.
General questions may be directed to Paula Morris at 972-524-4846 or paula.morris@roysecity.com. Parade questions may be directed to georgiapeachatthebeach@gmail.com.
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