Fish fry to benefit One Man’s Treasure Clothes Closet

(ROCKWALL-March 10, 2013) A Fish Fry benefiting One Man’s Treasure Clothes Closet will be held Thursday, March 21 at the Rockwall UMC Multipurpose Room.

There will be two seatings: 5 to 6:30 p.m. and 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.

The cost for adults is $13; children 9 and under are $6. Limited tickets are available. No tickets will be sold at the door.

One Man’s Treasure is a 501c3 established in 2005 in Rockwall. Its mission is to empower men recently released from prison to the Dallas/Rockwall area with sets of clothing delivered to them by a male volunteer, called a shepherd. These sets of clothing (5 shirts, 2 pants, shoes, socks, underwear, t-shirt, and a tie paired with one shirt for interviews) help the men reenter society as employed men, husbands, and dads.

For more information, email  or call 972-771-4141.

Submitted by Sandi Herrington.

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One Man’s Treasure volunteers honored with Mardi Gras party