Students get sneak peek at Billie Stevenson Elementary

Students get sneak peek at Billie Stevenson Elementary

(Rockwall ISD) May 28, 2013 – Future students of Billie Stevenson Elementary were treated to a sneak peek, behind-the- scenes look at the construction site of Rockwall ISD’s new elementary school.

Principal Mike Pitcher invited current fifth grade students at Celia Hays Elementary who are zoned to attend Stevenson next year, to experience the makings of what is soon be their new elementary campus.

“Moving to a new campus and leaving many friends behind is a difficult transition, and I had hoped to provide students with an exciting, once-in-a-lifetime, memory-making event that will help insure their buy-in and commitment to their new leadership role as sixth graders at Stevenson,” Pitcher said.

Upon their arrival, Project Manager Bud Howard with Pogue Construction and Rockwall ISD Director of Facilities, Javier Fernandez, warmly greeted all 31 students and their chaperones. After a brief review of expectations and tour protocols, Howard led the group on an all-inclusive tour of the campus.

From front door to library to computer lab, the students excitedly followed Howard as he described the planning and details involved in the construction process. Also included was a sneak peek into their new classrooms, a visit to the cafeteria (including the kitchen), gym and designated areas for music, band and art. Howard concluded by reiterating to students the importance of taking their new leadership roles seriously, so that they may experience great success.

This was truly a special opportunity that no other teacher, parent or student has ever had before.  To the district, this is just one of many opportunities that families, community members and all stakeholders will have in helping to build upon the foundation of high expectations for excellence established by Rockwall ISD, and thus contributing to the culture and climate of Billie Stevenson Elementary.

Durham School Services donated the cost of the bus and the time of driver, Linda Meeks, free of charge so that the students could experience this opportunity at no cost.  This was truly a memorable event for all involved.

Submitted by Jovan Overshown, Rockwall ISD Communications Coordinator.

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