Hello, my name is Caleb Davis and I am a Star Scout in Boy Scout Troop 83 in Rockwall. I have been given the opportunity to write a column for Blue Ribbon News.
My column will focus on Boy Scout troops in Rockwall – Troop 83 in greater detail. I hope to explain to the community more about Boy Scouts and increase the membership as I believe there are many benefits in belonging to the organization. This edition’s column will focus on recent and upcoming events.

Most Boy Scout troops go on a campout once a month. My troop’s last campout was at Sharps Farm. Most of us earned our Fishing Merit Badge by catching, cleaning and cooking a fish. That evening we ate the fish and the next morning some of the troop went on a hike, while the rest of us played games like Capture the Flag. At the end of the campout, we were each a little closer to our goal of becoming an Eagle Scout.
Currently, there are a group of us working on our Personal Fitness Merit Badge. Some of the requirements to receive this Eagle-required badge are explaining why physical exams are important; being tested in sit-ups, pull-ups and push ups; participating in a comprehensive 12 week program and showing improvement from beginning to end.
Troop 83 participates in a lot of community service projects. We recently helped the Woodcreek neighborhood in Fate with their Fall Festival. They had bounce houses, games and refreshments as well as an area to shop. My troop was there to manage the games and the bounce houses.

We had the honor of performing the opening ceremony on Oct. 5th at Rockwall’s Original Pumpkin Patch, in the Ridge Road Shopping Center. After that, Troop 83 enjoyed a rock climbing and repelling campout on October 18-20 at Trevor Rees Jones, a Circle Ten Boy Scout Campground.
In the near future, we have some exciting plans. On Nov. 1-3, we are going to our fall Camporee – a district wide campout. We’ll get to see friends from other troops and have a lot of fun. On Nov. 4th, Troop 83 will have its quarterly Court of Honor. This is a ceremony where the scouts receive merit badges and rank advancements. This is always a much anticipated night.
Scouting offers a multitude of opportunities for young boys which gives us lifelong skills and helps us make a difference in our community. Stay tuned next edition for some ways that you can help us help Rockwall.
By Blue Ribbon News special contributor and Scouting columnist Caleb Davis, Star Scout, Troop 83 in Rockwall.
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