(ROCKWALL ISD – October 19, 2013) Nebbie Williams Elementary recently elected its Student Council Officers for the 2013-14 school year. School-wide elections resulted in: President – Kate Avery, Vice President – Margo Little, Secretary – Sydney Heimer, and Treasurer – Abbey Graves.
The Student Council is under the direction of Leila Gibson and is a service organization whose activities include a toy drive and a drive for the Rockwall County Animal Shelter.
The Council’s largest service project is a care package drive for active military. In the spring of 2013, they sent 12 boxes of items thanks to the generous support of all Nebbie students.
When asked what her responsibilities entailed, newly elected President, Kate Avery stated, “As student council president I expect to run monthly meetings, service projects (i.e. Christmas toy drive), raise funds (perhaps with the PTA) for more P.E. equipment and I hope to help find a better solution for the slow computers in the big computer lab. I also want to promote the service projects in a creative and fun way, so that everyone in the school wants to participate.”
Congratulations to all these 6th graders in being elected by their peers to represent them in Student Council.
Submitted by Karen M. Woodliff, Nebbie PTA Publicity Chair.
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