(December 20, 2013) Tomorrow’s Hunter, a local nonprofit organization serving wounded veterans and their children, hosted an outreach event on Veterans Day on a private Ranch in Terrell.
Two Marine Corps families, a wounded Army veteran and his family, and an Army SOS family were treated to a day of archery, fishing and meaningful bonding time. The event was catered by Chick-Fil-A in Rockwall.
Tomorrow’s Hunter actively promotes youth hunting, shooting, fishing and outdoorsmanship to the next generation of hunters and fisherman. They teach hunter education, ethics, wildlife conservation and management, and firearm safety.
The group also donates children’s hunting, shooting and fishing books to libraries, hospitals, children’s homes and clubs. They provide guided youth hunts, fishing trips and shooting opportunities to wounded veterans and their children. Through scholarships, they help youths who are seeking an under-graduate degree in wildlife, fisheries and conservation.
“If we spend all of our time and money preserving wildlife and habitat but neglect to recruit and retain a future generation of outdoorsmen, we have failed,” said Tomorrow’s Hunter founder, Gino Attardi. “As part of our mission, we provide life-changing outdoor experiences for wounded veterans and their kids, who often face unique challenges. We focus on relationship restoration, communication, healing, and the passing on of outdoor skills and experience. Our program creates situations where veterans can give their child undivided attention.”
Tomorrow’s Hunter also offers their program to deceased veterans’ widows and their children.
“Now more than ever there is an immense need to reach out to these brave families, who are coping with an unbelievable amount of loss and stress. We are honored to serve and help them,” Attardi said.
Though originally developed for service members returning from a deployment in a hostile area, Tomorrow’s Hunter will serve any wounded veteran, regardless of rank, gender, race, branch of service or extent of injuries received at home or abroad. Any wounded veteran belonging to (in good standing) AFW2, AW2,NavySafeHarbor, USMC Wounded Warrior Regiment or Army SOS and having a child 18 or under that’s interested in the outdoors, may participate in the program.
To learn more, visit youthoutdoors.org.
By Dawn Redig, Blue Ribbon News, all rights reserved. Photos submitted by Gino Attardi.
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