ROCKWALL, TX (March 23, 2014) In this month’s column, we’ll be talking about Troop 83’s latest adventures. Before we start, I would like to tell you about Troop 83’s spring fundraiser.
We are gearing up to sell a variety of spring flowers, fresh from the grower. Half of the money we raise is put into Scout accounts that we use to go camping and to other activities.
If you are interested in purchasing flowers, please call me at 214-934-8721.
One of the latest epic adventures that we have experienced is when we went to the Battleship Texas in January. This ship is the last in the Dreadnought class on the face of the earth. It became the first battleship memorial museum in the country in 1948. We slept on the battleship and took a tour with experts as our guides.
On the same trip, we went to the battleground of San Jacinto where Santa Anna was captured and where Texas won its independence from Mexico. We enjoyed a hike around the battleground and a little football, too.
Over Presidents Day, Troop 83 placed flags in subscribed homeowner’s yards. We do this each year on President’s Day, Memorial Day, Flag Day, Independence Day, Labor Day and Veterans Day as a troop fundraiser. Approximately 500 flags are maintained by our troop. Scouts must take part in this twice per year to advance in rank. The flags promote a patriotic atmosphere in the neighborhoods that participate.
Recently, 28 Scouts from Troop 83 attended a Merit Badge College in Heath. There was a multitude of merit badges we could earn. Almost half of the badges were Eagle required and most of us earned at least a part of one of them. Some of the merit badges we could earn included Citizenship in the Nation, Cooking, Genealogy, Computers, and First Aid. We hope to have another adventure like this soon. Thank you for your continued interest in Scouting.
By Blue Ribbon News special contributor and Scouting columnist Caleb Davis, Life Scout, Troop 83 in Rockwall. Submit your Scouting news by emailing editor@BlueRibbonNews.com.