ROCKWALL, TX (May 19, 2014) Officers for the 2014-2015 year were installed at the May 13th meeting of Friends of Rockwall County Library. At the helm will be President Debbie Daniels, and Gloria Bishop was sworn in as President-Elect.
Other officers include Darlene Bealmear and Becky Achenbach, co-VPs for Programs; Jane Buie and Pat Calhoun, co-VPs for Membership; and Carolyn Duckworth and Becky Welch, co-VPs for Fundraising. The team is rounded out with Treasurer Susan Egan, Recording Secretary Edie Zehr, Corresponding Secretary Becky Cecil, Past President Bev Stibbens, and Nell Welborn as Parliamentarian.
The prestigious Hartman Award is given to members who have willingly given of themselves for the good of Friends and the library. This year’s recipient is Kathleen Broze, long-time Friends member who has served on the Library Advisory Board, Friends of the Library Board, and Pumpkin Patch Steering Committee.

The Celia Hays award is presented annually to the outstanding library volunteer for service at the library. This year’s honoree is Pat Calhoun, a Friends board member who also volunteers at the library. Calhoun also received the Hartman in 2010 and is the first person to receive both of these honors.
New members are always welcome. Several types and levels of membership are available. A membership form may be picked up from a display in the Library lobby, or can be downloaded from the Friends website, friendsofrockwallcountylibrary.com.
Regular meetings will resume in September. The organization meets six times a year and all meetings, with the exception of the Christmas Luncheon, are held in the Rockwall County Library. The group works to promote the interest and welfare of the Library. Profits from their various fundraising events supplement the County library budget, paying for special children’s programming, adult literacy programs, subscriptions and other items.
Submitted by Nell Welborn.
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