ROCKWALL, TX (May 13, 2014) In this edition we will talk about Circle Ten’s annual Spring Camporee. We will also take an in-depth look at the Boy Scouts’ National Honor Society, which is called The Order of the Arrow, or OA. Finally, we will discuss the volunteer work we do on our campouts.
BSA just had their annual Spring Camporee and we had a blast. Our Camporee was comprised of troops from theNorth Texasarea. This year’s theme was Scout skills, including first aid, bear bagging and plant identification. Also at camp we had all of the new Scouts from the latest crossover come so they could see what Boy Scouts is all about. At the camp a very special event occurred called the OA Tap Out. The Tap Out is a very sacred event where you are chosen to be an OA member.
The Boy Scouts’ National Honor Society, the Order of the Arrow, was started in 1915 and its purpose is to promote youth leadership within the organization. Boys are chosen who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their lives. After they are at least First Class and have 15 days/nights of camping, they are eligible to be on the ballot. They are voted on by their troop and at least half of the Scouts must vote for them to be elected. If they are chosen into the organization it’s considered quite an honor. An Ordeal weekend campout must be attended if they’re elected to fully become an Arrowman. OA coordinates and plans various events, and they also do service work. Overall it is a wonderful experience. I recently had the honor of being elected and am waiting for my Ordeal weekend.

Camporee usually asks Scouts to do something for the camp, so this time we walked along the camp’s trail system picking up all trash and branches in the path. We did a good job and now the trail is pristine. Not only is it beautiful but also it is a nice trail to walk on now. This is only one of the many service projects we have done on campouts.
Stay tuned – next edition when we will talk about Troop 83’s plans for Summer Camp.
By Blue Ribbon News special contributor and Scouting columnist Caleb Davis, Life Scout, Troop 83 in Rockwall. Submit your Scouting news by emailing editor@BlueRibbonNews.com.
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