ROCKWALL, TX (June 23, 2014) In this column, we’ll discuss Circle Ten’s Order of the Arrow Ordeal, Troop 83’s Refrigerator Box Campout, and the results of our Spring flower sales.
Scout Troop 83 sold an unbelievable amount of flowers. Total flats sold were 490, which equates to $10,172! We sell them to raise money for camps and other expenses we incur throughout the year. All of the flowers are nursery-raised and are extremely high quality – definitely better than the ones you find in the local stores. So if you have a Scout come to our day next fall or spring and you are thinking about buying flowers, buy some from us!
Troop 83’s Refrigerator Box Campout was a box full of fun. What is a refrigerator box campout, you might ask? This type of campout is a challenge with lots of fun mixed in. Each Scout is given one or two refrigerator boxes, and each patrol (which is a group of six to eight Scouts), has to make their camp from the boxes. I was unable to attend this year, but I know that some of the Scouts gave their camps very comical names such as the Taj Mahal, Hobo Town and Tunnel of Doom. Some of the boxes collected dew and collapsed, but overall they had a great time.
Circle Ten’s OA Ordeal was great. Mine was held at Camp Trevor Rees-Jones inAthens. We did a whole lot of service work and we had fun doing it. Usually Circle Ten hosts six Ordeals each year and this was the one I attended to become a member. In every Ordeal you do service work on a very limited diet to prove that you can do a lot more than you think you could doon an empty stomach. That is just about all the potential OA members know before they go, but what they don’t know is that it’s more fun than they think it will be and in the end it is all worth it. A few faints later, they will most likely be inducted into the OA – joking, of course.
Thank you for reading my column about Boy Scouts. I love to educate the public on what it is exactly that we Boy Scouts love to do!
By Blue Ribbon News guest columnist Caleb Davis, Life Scout, Troop 83 in Rockwall. Submit your Scouting news by emailing editor@BlueRibbonNews.com.