HEATH, TX. (August 5, 2014) Logan Dennis Peet was awarded the rank of Eagle Scout this Spring when his Eagle Court of Honor was held at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Heath.
The ceremony was conducted by Nigel McGregor, and his Honor Guard included Ethan Smith, Malachi Morrell, and Vance Christensen.
Logan is the son of Dennis and Cheryl Peet, and he will be a junior at Rockwall-Heath High School. In Southern California, Logan started in Scouting as a Tiger Cub at the age of five, and worked to earn his Arrow of Light.
When his family moved to Heath in 2009, Logan became a member of BSA Troop 314. In 2011, he was awarded Troop 314’s Scout of the Year award, and he was nominated to become a member of the Order of the Arrow. In 2013, Logan served as the Chief of the OA’s Ni’Wingi Chapter. Currently, he is serving as Troop 314’s Senior Patrol Leader. He has completed two treks at Philmont Scout Ranch in New Mexico.
Logan is also a member of LDS Troop 157, and he is a founding member of Venturing Crew 1111, where he is currently serving as the Vice President.
Logan’s Eagle Scout Project included learning about the City of Heath’s infrastructure from Public Works Director John Langstaff, mapping the storm drains throughout the City of Heath, and affixing “No Dumping” placards on them with the assistance of Troop 314. Logan has accumulated over 400 hours of community service and earned 26 merit badges.
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