Rockwall County Kiwanis Club gives big on North Texas Giving Day

Rockwall County Kiwanis Club president Gary Cole presents a donation to Bonnie LaVielle, Executive Director of the JER Chilton YMCA at Rockwall.

ROCKWALL, TX (September 18, 2014) The Kiwanis Club of Rockwall County kicked off North Texas Giving Day on September 18 by presenting checks to three Rockwall County nonprofit organizations. Rockwall County Helping Hands, the Boys and Girls Club of Rockwall County and the JER Chilton YMCA at Rockwall all received donations to support their missions.

Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world, one child and one community at a time. Rockwall County Kiwanis raised several thousand dollars this year, mostly from their annual Tri-Rock triathlon held in August. The Kiwanis Tri-Rock just completed its 14th race, and it was the first triathlon in Rockwall.

Rockwall County Kiwanis Club president Gary Cole presents a check to Misti Potter and Stephan Larson with the Boys & Girls Club.

Kiwanis also raises money by sponsoring the City of Rockwall Christmas Parade, and by serving a pancake breakfast to families at a Holiday Breakfast with Santa event.

Serving the children of Rockwall County has been the focus of the local Kiwanis Club for over 15 years. One of the club’s most important service projects is the Food for Kids Program. On the second Tuesday of every month, Kiwanis purchases non-perishable food and provides more than 300 meals for qualified children in Rockwall County. Club members package the meals which then are distributed through partnerships with Rockwall County Boys & Girls Club and Helping Hands. In the 18 months since the program started, over 5,400 meals have been purchased and distributed by the Kiwanis Club of Rockwall County.

Margo Nielsen, Executive Director of Helping Hands, accepts a donation from Gary Cole, president of the Rockwall County Kiwanis Club.

Rockwall Kiwanis also sponsors the Angel League, which is a baseball program for special needs boys and girls ages 4 to 15, and the club also has a coach pitch team for adults ages 16 to 60. The Kiwanis Club provides uniforms and gloves free of charge, and the City of Rockwall Parks Department provides the baseball fields and all equipment. Local businesses provide free end of season trophies and professional photography (team and individual pictures). Any additional needs are provided by the Kiwanis Club.

Other Kiwanis service projects and sponsorships include:

The Annual Rockwall Christmas Parade
The Terrific Kids School Recognition Program
Educational Scholarships
Community Needs Grants
Wheel Chair Ramp Build Program
Boy Scouts Troop 690

For more information about Kiwanis or to donate to their cause, visit

Submitted by Gary Cole, Kiwanis Club of Rockwall County.

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