ROCKWALL, TX (Nov. 20, 2014) When a show winds down to the last weeks of rehearsal, the Director (especially when there are children in the cast) becomes a sort of drill sergeant. Strict discipline and attention to the smallest detail must be observed by all. The Director knows every cast member’s name and where they’re supposed to be and when, and if something doesn’t go right it often becomes necessary to use the outside voice. Like a drill sergeant! “STOP!” “START OVER!” “QUIET BACK STAGE!” “SINGLETON!! WHERE IS SINGLETON?”
Stacey Kluttz, Director of The Best Christmas Pageant Ever at Rockwall Community Playhouse, will likely be resorting to military tactics any day now. The show opens in less than two weeks – Friday, Nov. 28, the day after Thanksgiving. However, Kluttz will not be able to use the tactic of calling out cast members by their last names, because this show is full of relatives!
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever is the stage version of the book by the same name. Almost everyone is familiar with the story of the Bradley family and those horrible Herdman kids, who come to church for a visit but wind up getting involved in the Christmas presentation. It’s a family story, and this production is very much a family production!
Paige White plays Mrs. Bradley. Her two daughters, Gaby and Catie White, have roles also. Gene Fields, who plays Mr. Bradley, is on stage with his wife and son, Brandy and Landon Fields and Brandy’s sister, Carrie Hadel, is part of the cast along with her daughter, Rylie Hadel.
Confused yet? There’s more! Church Lady Wiloni Darrington has a daughter, Cassia Darrington, in the Angel Choir. Betsy Cooley, who plays the Reverend of the church has a son, Troy, who plays a Herdman and her daughter, Vanessa, is a back stage helper and understudy for several roles. Church Lady Terry McBay also has a granddaughter, Phoebe, in the angel choir. Mary Thacker (Mrs. Armstrong) is the mom of Anne-Marie Thacker, the Assistant Director. You will also find sisters, Emily Arden Seggerman and Sarah Grace Seggerman in roles alongside the Lewis’, McKenzie – backstage and Blakely in the Angel Choir.
That’s three Whites, three Fields, two Hadels, two Darringtons, three Cooleys, two Thackers, two Lewises, two Seggermans and a partridge in a pear tree? Wait and see!
RCP hopes you’ll bring your family to see this uplifting and hilarious story that will put you in the Christmas Spirit faster than an angel shouting “SHAZAM! I bring you good tidings of great joy. SHAZAM!”
The Best Christmas Pageant Ever opens Friday, Nov. 28 and runs through Dec. 14. Two Thursday night performances have been added on Dec. 4 and 11 at 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday night performances are at 8 p.m. and Sunday matinees at 2 p.m. Tickets can be purchased online at rockwallcommunityplayhouse.org.
Story and photo submitted by Mary Thacker.
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