Rockwall Christian Academy celebrates 100th day

Seventh and Eighth graders challenge one another to engineer the sturdiest and most creative structure of straw.

ROCKWALL/ROWLETT, TX (Feb. 4, 2015) Rockwall Christian Academy students celebrated the 100th day of school on Feb. 3 with campus-wide festivities that incorporated a variety of art and science-based challenges.

Kindergarteners contemplate the many choices of toppings for their sundaes from the many bowls of 100 colorful edibles the students brought and counted.

While first graders counted out 100 M&M’s, marshmallows and a variety of other unexpected toppings for DIY ice cream sundaes, junior high students were competing to engineer the best straw structure—one that could support 100 paperclips without collapsing.

On the K-12 campus, every grade was engaged in bustling activities, while the seniors, often sentimental, were more philosophical about enjoying the day.

“Many children around the world don’t have the opportunity to go to school, let alone one that reinforces our core Christian values,” said Kevin Johnson, who will graduate a year early this June. “I have been greatly blessed.”

Story submitted by Jana (Shelley) Edwards, for publication in Blue Ribbon News. Photos by Sarah Edwards, RCA Senior.

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