(ROCKWALL, TX – March 26, 2015) The citizens of Rockwall will have the opportunity to vote on amendments to the city charter in the upcoming municipal election. The Rockwall City Council unanimously voted to put forth to voters these ballot propositions associated with the recommended changes in order to give each citizen its right to vote on these proposals and be involved in their local government.
The proposed amendments are a result of months of research, discussion, and ultimately the recommendation of the Charter Review Commission. The importance of one proposition on the ballot is that it contains thirteen charter revisions that will address current language that is either obsolete, superseded by state law, or because the terminology must be updated to current legal standards.
Seven separate propositions reflecting substantive changes will also appear on the ballot and must be voted on individually as required by law. Below is a summary of the propositions and what they will achieve should voters approve the amendments.
1. Sec 3.06 (B) and Sec 4.03 (3) – This provision requires the Mayor to act as Municipal Judge when the Municipal Judge is not available. The proposed charter amendment will authorize the Council to appoint Associate Municipal Judge(s).
2. Sec. 5.04 (3) – The current Charter has no language as to when newly elected Council members will be sworn in to take office. This proposed amendment will clarify that each newly elected person to the City Council shall be inducted into office at the first City Council meeting following the official canvassing of the election.
3. Sec. 6.07 (1) – A review of the amount of time needed by the City Secretary to verify petition signatures was insufficient. The proposed charter amendment will give the City Secretary 21 days to complete a certificate of sufficiency or insufficiency.
4. Sec. 7.02 – The proposed charter amendment will change the date the City Manager submits the proposed budget to Council to be the 15th of August. This timeframe is more realistic in terms of obtaining necessary data from the appraisal district regarding the tax roll and its impact on the budget.
5. Sec. 7.06 – The proposed charter amendment allows the Council to adopt a budget for the upcoming year prior to the beginning of the new fiscal year, allowing the Council the fullest length of time possible to adopt the new budget.
6. Sec. 8.01 (5) – The proposed charter amendment clarifies that Council action is required to remove a member of a board, commission or committee if they fail attend three consecutive regular meetings.
7. Develop new Sec. 11.16 (4) – Will provide a procedure for operation of the city government in case of a disaster.
These proposed changes to the City Charter will be considered by Rockwall voters on May 9th at the same time the city’s general election is held to elect a mayor and three council members, each for two-year terms, and a fourth member to complete a one-year term.
A full report of the recommendations made by the Charter Review Commission may be reviewed on the city’s website at http://www.rockwall.com/meetings/index.asp located in the Charter Review Commission section. A sample ballot in both English and Spanish is also available for review.
Early voting will be held at the Rockwall County Library, 1215 E. Yellow Jacket Lane, Monday, April 27th through Saturday, May 2nd, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Monday and Tuesday, May 4th and 5th from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Election day will be Saturday, May 9th at Herman Utley Middle School, 1201 TL Townsend Drive from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. The election will be administered by the Rockwall County Elections Administrator. For election-related information concerning voter registration, precincts, ballots by mail, absentee voting, or other, general questions, please contact the Rockwall County Elections Office at (972) 204-6400. For questions specific to City of Rockwall municipal elections or proposed city charter amendments, please contact Kristy Ashberry, City Secretary, at 972-772-6406 or kashberry@rockwall.com
It’s my honor to serve as the Mayor of Rockwall. Please let me know if I may be of assistance to you and your family by contacting me at jimpruitt@rockwall.com
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