(June 8, 2015) HEATH, TX. Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, located at 1524 Smirl Drive in Heath, will offer Vacation Bible School from 5:30 to 8 p.m. Sunday through Thursday, July 12-16. The theme of this year’s VBS is “Everest”. To find out more about this year’s theme, visit http://www.group.com/vbs/everest. Also, watch this video on this year’s VBS curriculum at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bz8DbZ5lwQI.
The program is free to everyone so volunteers and donations are always appreciated. Helpers are needed to serve as assistant teachers, workshop leaders, music rotation leaders, drama characters or registration and check-in/out people. We also could use kitchen preparation staff, servers and all the usual helpers and decorators. The kids (and adult helpers) will be served dinner each night at 5:30 pm so assistance for this will also be needed.
If you have children aged three to twelve, make sure they register to be a part of this fun and enriching experience. Register online at https://www.groupvbspro.com/vbs/ez/holytrinity2015, or call the church office: 972-771-8242. Older kids 13-18 are encouraged to volunteer to help (along with all parents!) Keep your children involved in enriching activities this summer!
Submitted by Holy Trinity.
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