(ROCKWALL, TX – October 6, 2015) Rock Wall Chapter member and Past Regent Peggy Atterberry joined other area Daughters of the American Revolution members and members of the East Fork Trinity Sons of the American Revolution (SAR) to welcome visitors at the Continental DAR House at the State Fair of Texas.
Glenn Atterberry, member of East Fork Trinity SAR Chapter and Tom Whitelock, past president, East Fork Trinity SAR Chapter joined Jennifer Mitten, Regent of Jane Douglas Chapter, Peggy Atterberry, immediate Past Regent, Rock Wall DAR Chapter, and George Horton, Coordinator of Soda and Water Sales, invite fairgoers to visit Continental House.
The historic Continental DAR House, home to the Jane Douglas Chapter and David Pendleton National Society Children of the American Revolution, is located on the Fair Park Campus.
The Continental House is open to the public daily during the fair providing community service through historic preservation, education, and patriotism. Additionally, the Jane Douglas Chapter sells thousands of bottles of water and soft drinks during the fair season. At $1.00 a drink, the house is a popular stop for fairgoers. The funds received from sales are used for the chapter’s many philanthropic endeavors and the upkeep on the 80 year old historic property.
Submitted by Joy Greenwalt, DAR.
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