Rain doesn’t dampen Nebbie Williams Walk-A-Thon

Congrats to our top 20 fundraisers, shown here with Principal Mrs. Gielow and PTA VP of Fundraising Amanda Pospisil.
6th grade students show off their school spirit.

(ROCKWALL, TX – Nov 4, 2015) Rain did not slow down the Nebbie nation at the school’s annual Walk-A-Thon last Friday, Oct 30. The kids had a blast following some of the Rockwall High School drum line, cheerleaders, drill team, and basketball players around the school to kick off the day and show their class spirit. Each grade then took turns walking, learning martial arts and self defense, playing monster ball, and playing on a bounce house. It was a great day celebrating  superhero kids and Nebbie Williams Elementary School.

The students did a great job fundraising for the walk-a-thon, too. This year’s winners are: #1-Rylee Ulrich, #2-Kaden O’Neal, #3-Brady Sanders, #4-Hailey Lamond, #5-Blair Pospisil, #6-Megan Pospisil, #7-Elizabeth Schaefer, #8-Ethan Stark, #9-Sadie Hargis, #10-Kaitlynn Bailey, #11-Jackson Stephens, #12-Colt Morris, #13-Kamdyn Martinez, #14-Noah Fishman, #15-Colin McWhirter, #16-Noah Darcangelo, #17-Cooper Thompson, #18-Samuel Alves, #19-Mason Ewing, and #20-Beau Danner.

Submitted by Tara Matson, Nebbie Williams Elementary.

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