Nebbie Williams Elementary introduces ‘Treasure Tower’

Lisa Gielow, Principal at Nebbie Williams, demonstrates the new Treasure Tower, along with Melanie Pyland.

(ROCKWALL, TX – Nov. 9, 2016) Nebbie Williams Elementary School has begun a new lunchtime incentive program, headed by assistant principal Bridget Justiss and office manager Melanie Pyland.  The program, Treasure Tower, runs every day during lunch.  Students have a chance to earn a token by following directions, showing good manners, and exhibiting other The Leader In Me characteristics.  The program has been a big hit among the students as well as the staff.

After Melanie Pyland announces a winner, Carson Justiss selected his prize from the Treasure Tower.

“This summer I went to the TEPSA conference in Austin and saw it in person,” said Bridget Justiss, assistant principal at Nebbie Williams. “During staff development, I talked with staff about a variety of positive re-enforcements for student behavior. I shared the Treasure Tower information with staff and they thought students would benefit from this reward. In the past we rewarded students in the cafeteria as a class, but this year we wanted to individually recognize students as often as possible.  We can see the good news spreading across our school community!”

Lavonda Montemayor, special programs assistant, said, “I love seeing the excitement in their eyes when I get ready to announce the winners.  I have seen great changes from kindergarten through sixth grade.  Definitely a win-win!”

Submitted by Katherine Zurbach, Nebbie Williams Elementary School Librarian.

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