(ROCKWALL, TX – Jan. 25, 2017) Helping Hands of Rockwall County presented its 2016 awards during its Annual Meeting of the Board on Monday, Jan. 23 at the Rockwall Golf and Athletic Club. Congrats to the following winners:
Chairman’s Award – Kendra Jones, Jack Green and Jon Bailey
President’s Award – Lorne Liechty
David Lensch Award – Nikki Johnson
Ethel Moss Award – Col-Met Engineering Finishing Solutions
Sheri Starkey-Parks was also presented with an award in recognition for her outstanding leadership as the 2015-16 Helping Hands Chairman of the Board.
The 2017 directors and officers of the board were also elected during the meeting.
Directors for their first term expiring in 2020:
Gary Spraggins, first term
Ryan Thompkins, first term
Officers for 2017:
Vicki Alexander – Chair
Sheri Starkey-Parks – Past Chair
David Lensch, MD – Vice Chair Health Services
Brian Llewellyn – Vice Chair Assistance and Referral
Sandra Doyle – Vice Chair Thrift Store
Sol Villasana – Corporate Secretary
Becky Speight – Treasurer
Board Members – John Adams; Terri Bedford; Cathy Bedsole; Chris Cuny; Jack Green; Maggie Hatfield; Robert Hawk, emeritus; Tami Hawkins; Kathy Howe; Freddie Jackson; Kendra Jones; Marisol Lopez; Bruce Paton, PhD, emeritus; Rob Scheele; Steve Sharp, MD; Gary Spraggins; Kim Timpa; Ryan Thompkins.
By Austin Wells, Blue Ribbon News.
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