(ROYSE CITY, TX — April 7, 2017) Artisan Masonry is continuing their work on the Historic Calaboose in Royse City. On Tuesday, April 11 at 10:30 a foundation company will attempt to jack up and leveled the jail for further work. Critical items to be done in the near future include:
-Removing the railroad ties that surround the structure
-Busting up the existing concrete where the structure sits
-Pouring new concrete for a retaining wall which will have sloping sides in order for the water to run into a sump pump to prevent new and further damage
The Royse City Chamber encourages the purchase of personalized bricks that will be used around the entire Calaboose when the work is complete.They may be purchased online at http://www.thatsmybrick.com/roysecitycalaboose.

(ROYSE CITY, TX – April 3, 2017) The Royse City Chamber of Commerce has been working for years to save a historic calaboose within the City limits. Years of weathering and the poor design of its placement have left it in a major state of disrepair.
A local business has begun work to temporarily shore up the Old Jail. Bobby Gladu, Owner of A&A Granite & Limestone in Royse City, has volunteered his time and materials to give the calaboose added support and temporarily help in the aid of further deterioration.
This structure, built between 1911 and 1921, is only one of a few left in Texas and the only one in Rockwall County. Calaboose is another word for jail. The one in Royse City was used to house less violent criminals and was also used to hold prisoners before making their way into Dallas. Read more at http://www.tinytexasjails.com/texas-calabooses/rockwall-county/.
This is a piece of Texas history that should be saved and the cost to repair this structure is in the thousands of dollars. The Chamber has applied for a Grant through the Texas Historical Commission although only one is given a year with hundreds applying. If the Chamber has the honor of being chosen, it is still a matching grant and we must pay the funds up front for the repairs, which we do not have.
The Royse City Chamber of Commerce is working with That’s My Brick to create unique bricks for individuals and businesses to purchase. Your personalized brick will then be used in the landscaping of the area around the Calaboose once it is repaired. Bricks may be purchased at http://thatsmybrick.com/ROYSECITYCALABOOSE
Donations may be made to PayPal at info@roysecitychamber.com.
Submitted press release by Julia Bryant, Executive Director of the Royse City Chamber of Commerce
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