(ROCKWALL, TX – August 2, 2018) Local area criminal defense attorney Tim Hartley began his year of service as the 2017-2018 president of Rockwall Noon Rotary Club with one particular goal in mind: to get the elite service group even more involved in the community.
Under Hartley’s leadership, the club’s Rotarians did just that, becoming actively involved with nonprofits and organizations in the community. In the fall of last year, Noon Rotary joined Rockwall Women’s League at Dodie’s Cajun Diner at The Harbor to assemble backpacks full of clothes and other necessities for children served by the Children’s Advocacy Center for Rockwall County. In November, Rotarians partnered with members of the Royse City Chamber of Commerce to deliver food from We Are Rockwall’s Community Thanksgiving feast to homebound seniors served by Meals on Wheels of Rockwall County. The Rotary also donated funds to Helping Hands, local Scouts troops, the Boys & Girls Club, and North Texas Food Bank.
The Noon Rotary saw tremendous success in fundraising with Hartley at the helm. The Hot Rocks Bike Ride 2017 raised an estimated total of $45,000 for the club’s scholarship fund benefiting graduating seniors of Rockwall and Rockwall-Heath high schools, while the Rotary Clay Shoot raised over $7,000 which went towards various repairs and improvements to the Rotary building.
“It’s been an honor to serve as president of the Rockwall Noon Rotary,” Hartley said. “Our club is truly a cross representation of what great people are all about. If you want to be involved in service to your community, this is the place you want to be.”
Hartley passes the gavel to Rotarian David Loftis, who will serve as the 2018-2019 president. Loftis said the theme of Rotary in the coming year, “Be the Inspiration,” will challenge Rotarians to become more involved in the community and set an example of selfless service to others.
“We’ve got a great club here and a lot of strong members, but we could certainly do more in the community and I’d like that to be our goal this year,” Loftis said. “We do a lot of great things each year, but let’s really strive to expand on what we’re going to do this year and show the community how great the Rotary truly is.”
Each year, Noon Rotary recognizes those members who went above and beyond in their service to the club and to the community. During its July 5th meeting, Hartley presented Rotarian Ted Hoisington with the Service Above Self award for his extraordinary service as club treasurer.
“The job of Rotary treasurer is one of the most time-consuming jobs that there is in the club,” Hartley said. “I’ve seen the hours Ted has put in, and the club financially sits in good shape thanks in large part to what Ted has done for us.”
The Rotarian of the Year award went to Billy Quinton for his comic genius in providing the Rotary Minute to the club. Hartley and Rotarian Tom Ryan came up with the Rotary Minute as an exciting and hilarious new segment to club meetings, utilizing Quinton’s comedic wit to provide little-known facts about Rotary to its members.
“Very few people have the kind genius that Billy does to be able to come up with that kind of wit and humor,” Hartley said. “Billy, thank you so much for giving us the privilege to be able to laugh at you and the jokes you made for us this year.”
Be sure to check out the Rockwall Noon Rotary’s Facebook page to see all of Quinton’s hilarious Rotary Minute segments captured on video over the year.
Rotary inducts 2018-2019 officers

Not pictured: Dana Macalik, Rick Carroll, Stephen Straughan, David Sweet, Pete Snider, and Richard Redig.
The Rockwall Noon Rotary installed new officers for the coming year during its meeting on Thursday, July 5. Congrats to the following Rotarians who were inducted into their new roles for the club for 2018-2019:
President – David Loftis
President Elect – Leslie Buie
Immediate Past President – Tim Hartley
Vice President – Dana Macalik
Treasurer – Ted Hoisington
Secretary – Ginny Ryan
Sergeant-at-Arms – Billy Self
Director at Large – Kevin Fowler
Director at Large – Larry Parks
International Service – Bill Cecil
Vocational Services – David Sweet
Membership – Tom Ryan
Club Service – Lorie Grinnan
Club Foundation – Rick Carroll
Community Service – Stephen Straughan
New Generations – John Curtis
Rotary Foundation – Pete Snider
Programs, Public Relations – Richard Redig
By Austin Wells, Blue Ribbon News. Photos by BRN Media.
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