City of Heath May 2 General Election canceled; incumbents re-elected

City of Heath May 2 General Election canceled; incumbents re-elected

(HEATH, TX) The City of Heath recently called an election to be held on May 2, 2020, for the purpose of electing three City Councilmembers for Mayor, Place 3 and Place 5.

All three incumbents, including Mayor Kelson Elam, Donna Rolater (Place 3) John Beaman (Place 5) filed appropriate paperwork to appear on the May 2 General Election ballot. However, the City Secretary did not receive candidate filings from anyone other than the incumbents by the filing deadline.

As a result, the Heath City Council cancelled the election scheduled to be held on May 2, 2020 in accordance with Section 2.053(a) of the Texas Election Code and approved a Resolution declaring that incumbent candidates have been certified as unopposed and elected to office.

Mayor Elam, Councilmember Donna Rolater and Councilmember John Beaman are scheduled to take the Oath of Office at the regular City Council meeting on Tuesday, May 12 unless otherwise noted.

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