HEATH, TX – Dec. 30, 2020 – The Grinch did not steal the City of Heath Staff Christmas party, which took place via ZOOM on December 18 and included lunch delivered in multiple locations, and a party pack with celebration items including a flute and sparkling juice for a farewell toast to 2020.
So in a year of virtual meetings and re-imagined celebrations and events, it was only fitting that IT Director Carter Smith was named the 2020 Citywide Employee of the Year during this staff online party.

“Every staff member did a remarkable job of adapting and pivoting to the unforeseen and unprecedented challenges we faced this year, including our DPS Officers and Public Works team who put themselves at increased risk to serve the public,” said City Manager Aretha Adams. “We did not skip many beats, thanks to our employees’ dedication.”
“One person in particular kept us moving forward through his skill and natural knack for technology, and that was IT Director Carter Smith,” said Adams. “He has kept us ZOOMING through 10 months of City Council meetings, Board and Commission meetings, weekly executive staff meetings, and a myriad of other online interactions necessary to conduct City business. And he has done it with a calm, caring and professional manner that has helped put everyone at ease with technology.”
Departmental Employee of the Year awards were also presented to staff members in recognition of their performances in 2020. Earning this recognition were: Assistant to the City Manager/HR Coordinator Kristi Smith, Administrative Services; Purchasing Agent-Payroll Clerk Jennifer Colombo, Finance; Equipment Operator Johnny Driggers, Public Works; Code Enforcement Officer Javier Falcon, Community Development; and Detective Eric Wiedeman, Department of Public Safety.
“We are pleased to honor and thank these employees for their excellent work ethic and commitment to the citizens of Heath,” said Adams. “They are valued by me, their direct supervisors, the mayor and council, and the community.”
Additionally, the following City staff members were honored during the Christmas party for their tenure with the City of Heath:
5 Years of Service
Johnny Driggers, Public Works
Detective Eric Wiedeman, DPS
Officer Zach Wilfong, DPS
Javier Falcon, Community Development
10 Years of Service
Kristi Smith, Administrative Services
Submitted press release by City of Heath, edited for publication in Blue Ribbon News.
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