Rockwall resident Bobby Gallana to participate in business town hall with Texas GOP Chairman Lt. Col. (Ret) Allen West

Rockwall resident Bobby Gallana to participate in business town hall with Texas GOP Chairman Lt. Col. (Ret) Allen West
Bobby Gallana

ROCKWALL, TX – March 3, 2021 – Local Rockwall resident Bobby Gallana has been chosen to participate in a business roundtable discussion with Texas GOP Chairman Lieutenant Colonel (Ret) Allen West, Sunday, March 21st.   The roundtable will be focused on discussing current and future business concerns and answering questions from the panel of six local business owners and leaders.  Following the roundtable there will be an event/town hall open to the public featuring Texas Commissioner of Agriculture Sid Miller and Texas GOP Chairman Lieutenant Colonel (Ret) Allen West.

“I am grateful to have been chosen for this important roundtable discussion.  Nearly all local businesses have been impacted by the events of the past year, so I am looking forward to discussing the future of business in our community and Texas as a whole.  I want to give our community the opportunity to weigh in with questions they would like me to ask on their behalf.  Please email me at with your questions or concerns.”

The event/town hall will begin at 4:30 P.M. on Sunday, March 21st. The venue is the Studio Movie Grill, 11170 N Central Expressway, Dallas, TX 75231

For more information or to register and buy tickets for the event, please visit or email

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