ROCKWALL, TX – August 10, 2021 – The City of Rockwall is accepting applications for students who wish to be considered for the 2021-2022 Rockwall Youth Advisory Council (YAC).
The purpose of the Rockwall YAC is to provide participation by local youth in municipal government and to teach students more about how local government works. The Rockwall Youth Advisory Council provides opportunities for positive community impact through organized participation in various city-sponsored activities and events. YAC students may also become involved in initiatives that benefit local youth. The City Council will fill up to four vacancies on the YAC for this school year. Applicants should be freshmen through seniors and should preferably reside within the city limits of Rockwall.
For more information about the program and to submit an application online, please visit
At least one letter of recommendation is required, and applications should be submitted no later than Friday, August 27. Letters of recommendation may be e-mailed to Interviews will be scheduled for the afternoon of Thursday, September 2 with appointment selections being made by the Rockwall City Council at its Tuesday, September 7 meeting. Students who apply are asked to make themselves available after school on Thursday, September 2 for a brief (10 min.) interview at Rockwall City Hall.
It should be noted that regular, monthly meetings of the YAC occur every first Thursday at 5:30 p.m. So please be sure that the applicant’s schedule will permit him or her to regularly attend these monthly meetings. Questions about the program may be directed to Kristy Cole, City Secretary, either by e-mail or by calling (972) 772-6406.
Submitted press release, edited for publication in Blue Ribbon News.
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