‘Yarn Bombing’ to be unveiled at Rowlett’s Harvest Market on Main

‘Yarn Bombing’ to be unveiled at Rowlett’s Harvest Market on Main

Rowlett Arts & Humanities Commission Supports Fiber Arts Display In a Big Way!

ROWLETT, TX (Sept. 13, 2022) Have you heard of “yarn bombing”?

Recently, a group called WIPs, an acronym for work in progress, approached the Rowlett Arts & Humanities Commission about using their talents in supporting the arts in Rowlett.

WIPs is a group of fiber enthusiasts that have come together to support one another in all things crochet and a whole lot more!  They were interested in leading an effort to “yarn bomb” something here in Rowlett.

After a little discussion with the commission – the large wooden chair on the downtown green was selected.  They wanted to turn the chair into fiber art.  The commission saw this as a great extension of the Arts and Humanities programs already offered here in Rowlett.

The WIPs group then got started!  First, they measured the different sections of the chair and then began the work of creating the different pieces.  When the individual pieces are completed, the group will come together to attach them to the chair – covering the wooden chair with crochet work – thus “yarn bombing”!

The date for the unveiling is Rowlett’s Harvest Market on Main taking place on Saturday, October 1 from 9 am to 4 pm.

For more on the WIPs Crochet Group, check out their Facebook page.

For more on the Harvest Market on the Main, go to:  https://www.ci.rowlett.tx.us/1912/Harvest-Market-on-Main

By Rowlett Arts and Humanities Commission, for publication in Blue Ribbon News. 

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