Mitch Ownby announces candidacy for Heath City Council Place 6

Mitch Ownby announces candidacy for Heath City Council Place 6

Heath, TX (February 24, 2025) – Mitch Ownby, a 30-year resident of Rockwall County, is announcing his candidacy for Heath City Council Place 6. Mitch moved to Rockwall County in 1993 to manage Emergency Medical Services for Rockwall County. He met his wife Sandra that year and they married soon after. They have 3 daughters, Madison – 30, Kennedy – 21, and McKinley – 15, and one granddaughter, Alison – 8.

In 1996, Mitch was a principal in the formation of Rockwall County EMS, a small business designed to meet the specific needs of Rockwall County and its forecasted growth. Since the inception of Rockwall County EMS, Mitch and his company have been responsible for the lives of Rockwall County, which has grown from 24,000 residents in 1996 to nearly 140,000. Mitch also served as a volunteer firefighter and EMS Chief of the Rockwall Fire Department for more than 10 years.

In addition to his commitment to the public safety of Rockwall County citizens, Mitch is actively involved in serving his community. Mitch is the President of the Rockwall County Republican Men’s Club, Vice Chair of the Board of Managers at the J.E.R. Chilton YMCA, Programs Chair for the Rockwall Noon Rotary, and a member of the Rockwall County Road Consortium. In 2022, Mitch helped establish Texas Valor Project, a non-profit founded to raise awareness and funds for veterans and first responders suffering from traumatic brain injuries (TBI). Mitch and his family have been members of Lakepointe Church since 2001.

Mitch and Sandra moved to Heath in October 2003 because of Heath’s small-town charm and believed that it would be a great community to raise their growing family. However, in recent years, the focus of Heath’s City Council shifted, which is why Mitch has decided to run for City Council. Mitch will utilize his years of experience in public service, community leadership, and the relationships that he has developed in his 30 years serving Rockwall County to assist Heath’s leadership in resolving the current costly lawsuits and will focus on fixing Heath’s ongoing issues with water, infrastructure, and economic development while continuing to fight for low density and preserving Heath’s small-town charm. Mitch looks forward to being part of a City Council that works for the citizens of Heath instead of against them and humbly asks for your vote for Heath City Council Place 6.


Press release submitted by Mitch Ownby. The publishing of any public announcement or paid political advertisement on this news site or in our print edition does not imply a political endorsement on the part of Blue Ribbon News; we welcome all candidates to submit their announcements, positive news-related events, and paid political advertising.