Rockwall County Historical Foundation installs 2013 officers

From left: Connie Rogge, Director; Jan Self, Treasurer; Sheri Fowler, 2nd VP; Carolyn Francisco, President; Nancy Beaty, Director; Jan Johnson, Recording Secretary; Maxine Gray, Corresponding Secretary; Mike Donegan, Director; Barbara Willess, Director, Stephanie Bennett, 3rd VP; Susan Mills, Director. Not pictured is Dorothy Williams, 1st VP.

(ROCKWALL – January 15, 2013) The Rockwall County Historical Foundation installed officers for 2013 at its recent Annual Meeting at the Museum in Harry Myers Park.

Justice of the Peace, Nancy Beaty, conducted the installation.

Jim Mills was recognized as the outstanding individual member for 2012.

Submitted by Carolyn Francisco, RCHF.

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