Rockwall dad donates half his liver to son in life-changing transplant surgery today

Rockwall dad donates half his liver to son in life-changing transplant surgery today

ROCKWALL, TX (Aug. 17, 2022) Today the Holloway family waits on pins and needles as two members of their family – father and son – undergo life-changing surgery at Keck Hospital at the University of Southern California. Twenty-two-year old Luke Holloway, a Rockwall ISD graduate now living in Upland, California, is in the process of […]

Trapped in a Timeshare?

(ROCKWALL, TX – Oct 1, 2015) For anyone who has ever purchased a timeshare – an arrangement whereby several joint owners have the right to use a piece of vacation property under a time-sharing agreement – the experience can leave one feeling ecstatic. A timeshare can offer a relaxing escape and be the perfect fit for […]

Heath siblings with Crohn’s Disease inspire others to ‘Take Steps’

ROCKWALL/HEATH, TX (March 25, 2015) Luke and Kacy Holloway of Heath share more in common than the average brother and sister; they are both living with Crohn’s disease. The number of patients living with Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis in the U.S. has now increased to an estimated 1.6 million, with 5 percent of that […]