A Good Word

A Good Word

(ROCKWALL, TX — February 22, 2018) So, what happened to, “April showers bring May flowers”? Or, “March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb” (or is it vice versa, I’m not sure?).  As I’m typing this, February 18th, it’s pouring rain and blowing a gale! Doesn’t the weather know it’s February? […]

A Good Word on Our Sojourn

A Good Word on Our Sojourn

(ROCKWALL, TX — February 12, 2018) What is a sojourn?  I know what a journey is.  It’s going from here to there, arriving.  Anticipation is involved; planning.  The journey may be difficult, but the goal is getting there, the destination you’ve dreamed about. A sojourn however is a temporary stay, a stop-over.  We, however, live […]



(ROCKWALL, TX — January 29, 2018) Folks often ask me why I say “bless” so often.  I even have a plaque a friend gave me that says, “Bless”.  I suppose I say it because I am blessed.  Blessed to know you.  Blessed to have kids that love me.  Blessed to have 47 years of forgiveness […]

Living Lamentators

Living Lamentators

(ROCKWALL, TX — January 22, 2018) Have you heard of the weeping prophet, Jeremiah?  I suppose since I heard back from so many self-described Pollyannas last week, that I should give some time to the lamentators in our lives… those that rehearse the difficulties of life, reminding us of the darker side of life. (I’m […]