(ROCKWALL, TX — February 22, 2018) So, what happened to, “April showers bring May flowers”? Or, “March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb” (or is it vice versa, I’m not sure?). As I’m typing this, February 18th, it’s pouring rain and blowing a gale! Doesn’t the weather know it’s February? […]
(ROCKWALL, TX — February 12, 2018) What is a sojourn? I know what a journey is. It’s going from here to there, arriving. Anticipation is involved; planning. The journey may be difficult, but the goal is getting there, the destination you’ve dreamed about. A sojourn however is a temporary stay, a stop-over. We, however, live […]
(ROCKWALL, TX — February 5, 2018) How difficult do you find it to have a relationship with someone who isn’t there…or doesn’t appear to be there; isn’t responding back to you or can’t find their words? (Don’t tell me it’s your husband!) This is a serious question. It’s a question our Broadmoor families ask every […]
(ROCKWALL, TX — January 29, 2018) Folks often ask me why I say “bless” so often. I even have a plaque a friend gave me that says, “Bless”. I suppose I say it because I am blessed. Blessed to know you. Blessed to have kids that love me. Blessed to have 47 years of forgiveness […]
(ROCKWALL, TX — January 22, 2018) Have you heard of the weeping prophet, Jeremiah? I suppose since I heard back from so many self-described Pollyannas last week, that I should give some time to the lamentators in our lives… those that rehearse the difficulties of life, reminding us of the darker side of life. (I’m […]
September 24, 2012 – East Trinity Lodge #157 of Rockwall recently recognized six Texas Masons who have given at least 50 years of dedicated service. Brothers James Wheatley, Roy Lambert, Eugene Cuny and Billy Peoples were awarded 50 Year Grand Lodge Service Awards; and Brothers Ralph Hall and Odis Lowe were awarded with 65 Year […]