Statement by the Office of State Representative Justin Holland on conclusion of third called special session

Statement by the Office of State Representative Justin Holland on conclusion of third called special session

AUSTIN, TEXAS — State Rep. Justin Holland said Tuesday that he is pleased with the results of the most recent special session along with the legislative accomplishments of the 87th legislative session. “After a unique and challenging regular session and three special called sessions – we can pause and reflect on the strides that we’ve […]

Senator Jane Nelson to address redistricting, election

Senator Jane Nelson to address redistricting, election

(Frisco) Texas State Senator Jane Nelson will address the Frisco Area Republican Women from 11:15 a.m. to 1 p.m. Tuesday, January 10, 2012 during the group’s 2012 kick-off luncheon at Isabella’s Italian Restaurant in Frisco. The event is open to the public. Senator Nelson’s keynote speech will provide an update on redistricting and other significant issues […]