City of Fate: Refinance saves more than one million dollars

City of Fate: Refinance saves more than one million dollars

(FATE, TX – April 24, 2020) Fate City Council approved refinancing the Waterworks and Sewer System Revenue Refunding and Improvement Bonds at the Monday, April 20, 2020 meeting. The refinancing resulted in reducing the interest rate in half, which will save $1,427,809 over the remainder of the bond terms. City Manager Michael Kovacs thanked Director of […]

Rockwall ISD refinances bonds from 2007 Bond Program

Rockwall ISD refinances bonds from 2007 Bond Program

Since 2015, Refinancing/Refunding Bonds Saves Taxpayers $49.6 million In October, the Rockwall ISD Board of Trustees unanimously voted to take advantage of low-interest rates and refinance bonds from the 2007 bond referendum. At the Board’s Monthly Meeting on January 21, the administration announced the Board’s action saved taxpayers $8.5 million. In addition, the Board’s refinancing/refunding […]