Student filmmaker creates documentary about fictitious Rockwall resident

Bruce Hayward Lived Here includes cast of local principals, mayor, doctor (ROCKWALL-May 15, 2013) “From an early age, I always wanted to tell stories, and movies are the most personal medium for doing so,” Alexander Pyle says enthusiastically.  “A lot of young people say that they want to make movies, but what they really want […]

Rockwall High Athletes of the Month recognized

Rockwall High Athletes of the Month recognized

(ROCKWALL ISD-April 13, 2013) Rockwall High School Jacket Backers Athletic Booster Club congratulates its Athletes of the Month! LADY JACKET ATHLETE OF THE MONTH Kailea Coles has been selected as the Lady Jacket Athlete of the Month. The 12th grade member of the gymnastics team was nominated by Coach Denise Hedges and chosen by the […]

Rockwall HS, Rockwall-Heath HS dominate at Academic Decathlon

(ROCKWALL ISD-January 31, 2013) This past weekend Rockwall High School and Rockwall-Heath High School took the top two places in the Large School Division of the 2013 Region 10 Academic Decathlon Competition held at W. H. Adamson High School in Dallas. Rockwall (coached by Michael Oldham and Nicole Redmond) took first with a score of 50,612 […]

RHHS Youth & Government Team takes 7 of 13 Distinguished Delegate medals

(ROCKWALL ISD – December 6, 2012) The Rockwall-Heath Youth and Government Team recently participated in the Youth and Government District Conference. Building on their very strong showing at the Garland Mock Legislature in November, the team was dominant in winning seven of the 13 Distinguished Delegate medals. Medals went to Jacob Anderson, Jocelyn Cardenas, Adrian […]

Support the Star Steppers, Mustang Dancers

Fantastic fundraising campaigns are underway to help the Rockwall-Heath JV Star Steppers and the Maurine Cain Middle School Mustang Dancers build funds for uniforms and competitions. To support these local drill teams, look the schools up at FundHub. Campaigns end April 16. Submitted by Kristina Johnson. To submit your news and events, email .

Mighty Hawk Band to host spaghetti fundraiser

The Rockwall-Heath Mighty Hawk Band will host a spaghetti fundraising dinner on Saturday,March 3, 2012 at Rockwall-Heath High School. Tickets are $10 and may be purchased from any RHHS or Cain Middle School band student or by contacting Chris Hoar at 214-676-5007 or by Wednesday, Feb. 21. Submitted by Mary Thacker; edited for publication by Blue Ribbon News, all […]

Lectures feature student actors, county connections at JFK assassination

(Rockwall) Members of Rockwall-Heath High School Center Stage group, under the direction of theatre arts teacher, Kristen Dodgen,  presented a re-enactment of the rock wall discovery by pioneers, Terry Utley Wade, B. F. Boydstun and William Stevenson, at the Brown Bag lecture on Friday, Oct. 14.  Seniors, Jackson Currie, Christian Sanders, and Jason Payne portrayed […]