City of Rockwall latest watering information

(Rockwall) May 29, 2012 – In response to the North Texas Municipal Water District voting on May 24 to return to Stage 2 of the Water Conservation and Drought Contingency and Water Emergency Response Plan, March 2008, (Plan), the City of Rockwall will also be returning to Stage 2 restrictions. Effective June 1, 2012, and continuing through the […]

Irving to enforce Stage 2 watering restrictions starting today

  (Irving) City of Irving officials announced that beginning Thursday, Aug. 11, mandatory watering restrictions will be enforced as part of Stage 2 of its Drought Contingency Plan.   Irving residents and businesses may not water more than twice per week on designated days, as follows: Even-numbered addresses (those ending in 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8) may […]

Heath to initiate Stage 2 water conservation measures

(Heath) The Heath City Council will review mandatory Stage 2 Water Conservation measures during the Tuesday, Aug. 16 council meeting and is expected to initiate the requirements on Friday, Aug. 19.  Under Stage 2, the city will accelerate efforts to reduce water use in the community by five percent. The implementation of Stage 2 comes at […]