Toastmasters to host Open House for those interested in learning more

Toastmasters to host Open House for those interested in learning more

ROCKWALL, TX (March 11, 2022) Toastmasters of Rockwall invites everyone in the community interested in learning more about their organization to an Open House event at 7 p.m. Thursday, March 17. Guest speaker Denise Castille will be Toastmasters hosts a weekly meeting at the Independent Bank (on Rockwall Square) that is open to the public. […]

Rockwall Mayor: ‘Leadership Lessons Learned in Public Service’

(ROCKWALL, TX – Jan. 31, 2016) Rockwall Mayor Jim Pruitt will deliver a keynote address at Toastmasters of Rockwall, titled, “Leadership Lessons Learned in Public Service.” The event is open to the public. There will be a meet-and-greet from 6:30 to 6:55 p.m., and the meeting will start at 7 p.m. sharp.  Seating is limited. […]

Rockwall Rotary welcomes Toastmasters speaker

Toastmasters welcomes new members at weekly Thursday meetings (ROCKWALL, TX – Oct 4, 2015) The Rockwall Breakfast Rotary club was pleased to have Alvin Negron-Paez from Toastmasters of Rockwall as their speaker on September 20. He was a very informative speaker and explained the purposes and direction of Toastmasters. Toastmasters is an international organization, based […]

Rockwall Toastmasters celebrate 15 years

New members welcome (ROCKWALL, TX – July 16, 2015) Good news! The Rockwall Toastmasters Club just celebrated their 15 year anniversary on June 25, 2015, with membership continuing to grow. Whether you’re an experienced public speaker or a novice, Rockwall Toastmasters can help you improve your communication and leadership skills. Rockwall Toastmasters want to take […]