10th Annual Bowling Tournament benefits New Beginning Center

(January 29, 2013) Bowlers of all ages and abilities filled the lanes at Plano Super Bowl Jan. 26 to take part in the 10th Annual “Strike Out Domestic Violence” Tournament benefiting New Beginning Center of Garland.
The nonprofit agency serves Northeast Dallas and Rockwall Counties, and is dedicated to fostering an environment of safety, support and respect for families affected by domestic violence.
The organization provides emergency shelter for women and children, transitional housing, crisis intervention, counseling, education and advocacy.
Consider just some of the statistics shared on New Beginning’s website:
- One in four women will be physically abused by a partner in her lifetime.
- Domestic violence is the leading cause of serious injury to American women – more common than muggings and car crashes combined.
- A woman is battered every 15 seconds in theUnited States.
- Each year in theUnited States42% of murdered women are killed by their male partners.
- One in five high school girls reports being physically or sexually assaulted by a date.
“We want to put an end to domestic violence within our community. The bowling tournament is a great way for our friends, families, community partners and supporters to come together to raise awareness and funds to support this mission,” said Colleen Jamieson, Interim Executive Director of New Beginning Center.
The King Pin Sponsor of the event, Honeywell, took the prize for “Best Team Spirit.” Trophies were given to teams and individuals with the highest and lowest scores.
Event organizers and donors spared no effort in presenting sought-after silent auction items and extraordinary raffle prizes, including casino parties, golf outings, jewelry, movie night packages, sports gear, children’s games, gift baskets and more.
In addition to Honeywell, sponsors included Modern Woodman Fraternal Financial, Fujitsu, Soroptimist International of Rockwall, Society of Women Who Love Shoes, and Community Solutions Cooperative of Rockwall.
To learn more about New Beginning Center, visit newbeginningcenter.org. Their address is 218 N. Tenth St., Garland, TX 75040. For outreach and administration, call 972-276-0423. The 24-hour Crisis Hotline is 972-276-0057.
By Dawn Redig, Blue Ribbon News.
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