ROCKWALL, TX (May 7, 2014) The Rock Wall Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution installed 2014-2016 Regent and Officers, Saturday, May 2, in the home of member, Tommie Caudell of Heath.

DAR program director, Fraya Fisk, introduced Texas State First Vice Regent, Judy Ostler, who installed the new chapter Regent and officers.
Chapter Officers for 2014-2016

Regent: Mindy Lovell
Vice Regent: Linda Smith (absent in photo, Marilyn Nanny stood in to take oath)
Chaplain: Faye Heil (absent in photo, Marilyn King stood in to take oath)
Recording Secretary: Margaret O’Connor
Corresponding Secretary: Julia McCormack
Treasurer: Carol Skoglund
Registrar: Margaret Anderson
Assistant Registrar: Laverne Ketcherside
Historian: Faye Gadberry
Librarian: Carolyn Duckworth
Parliamentarian: Mary Vervalin (absent in photo)
Chapter Advisor: Peggy Atterberry
New Chapter Page: Angela Von Weber-Hahnsberg
The Daughters of the American Revolution, founded in 1890, is a service organization dedicated to service to the nation. For additional information regarding DAR, please call Regent Mindy Lovell, 214-502-7697.
Submitted by Joy Greenwalt, DAR.
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